

What is Telehealth?

Many new moms find it difficult to leave the house with the new baby, or have to be mindful of their other children’s schedule and childcare. Telehealth is convenient for you and takes the stress of travel, childcare, and crunched time out of the equation. I utilize a HIPAA Compliant platform for video, allowing a secure and safe place to connect.

Do you accept insurance?

No, however I am considered Out-of-Network and you may be eligible for partial reimbursement. Please contact your insurance to inquire if unsure. I can provide you with the paperwork (Superbills) needed.

Do I have “the baby blues” or is it something more?

Nearly every single woman (official number is 80%) goes through a period after her baby is born where you may have mood swings, feels overwhelmed, and has some mild anxiety and weepiness. This is considered normal adjustment and will resolve within 2-3 weeks without interventions. If it lasts longer, it could be something more. Baby blues does not include thoughts or feelings of wanting to hurt yourself or others. You may also be feeling scared, stressed or worried which could be signs of postpartum anxiety. Postpartum OCD could mean obsessing over and being rigid about things like feeding baby, their health, or their sleep schedule. Often women will say “I just don’t feel like myself.” Please reach out for a free consultation to see how I can help.

Can you work with the whole family?

Absolutely! I offer couple’s sessions and will work with other children as they also adjust to the “new normal” with baby.

Other Questions? Send me an email by clicking below, or give me a call or text at (631) 223-8536.